Patient Reported Outcomes

Our standardized platform collects patient reported outcomes to monitor patient recovery and improve patient outcomes


Do you know how your patients think they are recovering? More and more insurance companies are requiring physicians to collect and report patient reported outcomes (PRO) to improve care. Patient reported outcomes are defined as information coming directly from the patient about how they are feeling and functioning.


HOPCo has developed a custom platform for collecting orthopedic PROs to see the trajectory of patient recovery and identify opportunities to improve upon them. Standardized outcomes are available for every part of the musculoskeletal system. Our well-validated survey tool is a flexible system that can be tailored to individual practice needs and goals. In addition to our standardized PROs, we have developed custom tools based on unique State and insurance company requirements.


How PROs work

Although our system can be used in a stand-alone manner, when the PRO platform is linked to the electronic health record (EHR), it automatically matches a patient with the correct PRO that according to their diagnosis and treatment path. If the patient’s treatment changes, the patient is automatically assigned an adjusted PRO to reflect their updated clinical protocol.   This smart system can therefore dynamically track the patient’s outcomes as their conditions change and improve.  Individualized outcomes tracking for individual patients.


Patients can communicate directly with the PRO prior to each encounter. If that is not possible, patients can complete the questionnaire on a tablet in the office or with the help of a medical assistant.  The clinical team can then be notified of any outlier scores in real time in order to implement a treatment plan to get the patient back on track.


With our customized tools, we have the ability to merge other important data points such as clinical information, demographics and even payor information in order to design and distribute our modules that help collect more meaningful and actionable data than is seen with traditional PRO tools.


Get In Touch

If you are ready to transform your organization, contact us below to set up an introductory call or in-person meeting.

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