Population Health for MSK

True Population Health Models for MSK

HOPCo has a proven track record of predictably and dramatically lowering the total cost of MSK care while improving patient access and quality outcomes.

HOPCo is the only truly vertically integrated organization uniquely built to manage the entire continuum of MSK healthcare delivery and associated spend. Through management of physician quality performance metrics, hospital MSK service lines, both outpatient and inpatient facilities, bundled payment programs, and other value-based clinically integrated networks combined with its proprietary physician engagement tools, data analytics, and network management platform, our programs enable all stakeholders to successfully engage in full population health strategies for MSK care.

Achieving a Negative Trend in MSK Care

HOPCo is the only program in the U.S. to do so

HOPCo at Home delivers convenient, home-based physical therapy to support orthopedic care, aligning with value-based care principles. By providing an alternative to in-clinic visits, it helps reduce costs while ensuring patients receive effective rehabilitation—whether as a pre-surgical intervention, post-surgical recovery solution, or, in some cases, an alternative to surgery.

Physicians Are Attracted to Sustainable Models

HOPCo leads value-based care partnership initiatives with physicians, health systems, and payors across more than 30 states and is one of the largest conveners of MSK bundles in the country. We have also been successful in working with ACOs and saved an estimated $187 million the MSK spend in the Pioneer ACO Program.

Because our models are designed to work with the existing payor network or ACO infrastructure, our full risk programs do not affect physician or facility fee schedules, existing networks, existing payor contracts, nor member benefits and can therefore be implemented quickly without the need for new contracting.

Our population health approach improves outcomes and streamlines indicated care

Expertise Combined with Vision

HOPCo has assembled an innovative Medical Economics team led by seasoned healthcare executives, actuaries, and data scientists with experience analyzing comprehensive claims data and designing and managing value-based care arrangements. This infrastructure allows us to accurately determine the true and market-specific cost of MSK care down to the individual provider level along with the specific measures, action plans, scorecards, and deployable infrastructure that will reliably improve quality outcomes and advance cost efficiencies.

Infrastructure for Sustainable Success

By utilizing proprietary and customized tools, platforms, and software, HOPCo provides physicians, health systems, risk-bearing entities, and payors real-time insight into clinical performance, outcomes, financial efficiencies and opportunities to improve quality and reduce costs. Our programs generate predictable savings, and trend reductions, which are then shared with the key market stakeholders (ACO’s, payors, health systems and physicians) thus promoting alignment around quality, cost, and sustainability.

Health Needs Assessment

Hospitals and payors struggle to manage health needs assessments and population health initiatives. Typically, the focus is on developing a community needs assessment without the ability to implement its conclusions. In contrast, HOPCo facilitates a community needs assessment that focuses on improving the health of the population and partnering with community members to reliably impact optimal health to a degree not typically possible before. Our musculoskeletal population health program considers the community needs assessment results by developing a musculoskeletal management plan to address those opportunities as well as the detailed steps to execute on them. This includes all aspects of the continuum of care, from musculoskeletal wellness to prevention to treatment to recovery.

Partnering with Health Plans and Payors

HOPCo leverages its expertise in medical economics, implementing advanced alternative payor programs and relationships with payors at all levels across the nation to drive substantial savings on the at-risk spend while improving outcomes. Our proven results have been recognized by national payors and health systems alike to be at previously unobtainable levels with respect to the magnitude of savings, speed and efficiency of implementation, and scalability.

Get In Touch

If you are ready to transform your organization, contact us below to set up an introductory call or in-person meeting.

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