Quality Programs

Comprehensive Quality Platforms for Consistent Results

HOPCo offers a unique set of quality programs and tools that allow physician practices and health systems to quickly engage with evidence-based standardized care platforms and achieve or surpass expected outcomes. From comprehensive databases to convenient mobile apps, we can help physicians from a variety of practice settings provide high-quality, top-tier patient care outcomes in a highly consistent and measurable manner.

Our quality platform is based on a foundation of vetted evidence-based clinical care pathways, order sets, best-practice guidelines, and diagnosis-based care protocols for the entire continuum of nonsurgical and surgical care. Focused on the entire continuum of care and much more inclusive than just surgical episodes, these diagnosis-based care pathways have been developed over years by hundreds of national leaders in MSK care and proven through extensive evidence and research.

HOPCo’s goal is that all patients should have a highly engaged and comprehensive experience that combines evidence-based clinical excellence and shared decision making. Our EHR-agnostic tools and applications guide providers through appropriate care pathways to achieve desired outcomes. Our extensive benchmarking data and clinical experts help identify what adjustments may be needed when unexpected outcomes do occur, thus providing for real-time feedback and improvements.

Get In Touch

If you are ready to transform your organization, contact us below to set up an introductory call or in-person meeting.

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